Jog Belfast... Start Running!
Jog Belfast is a FREE 10 week 'Couch to 5k' programme run throughout Belfast. BelfastRunning helped set it up to encourage and supports people, especially beginners to run 5km. Many of the participants will have never run before, but afterwards go on to complete 10km and even marathons!
JogBelfast operates 3 phases per year: WINTER (Jan-Mar); SPRING (Apr-Jun) and AUTUMN (Sep-Nov), with online registration normally open 3-4 weeks before each new programme starts. Each phase attracts hundreds of people across Belfast. For more info, see below...
NB The only couch to 5k/running programme for people with intellectual disabilities in NI is Belfast Falcons
JogBelfast runners just before completing Ormeau Parkrun graduation... with a few coaches, the Lord Mayor and BRC runners photobombing!
The next JogBelfast programmes will run from w/c Monday 18th Sep to Sat 25th Nov and are below:
Dixon Playing Fields (Mon & Wed at 7:00pm)
East - Victoria Park (Mon & Wed at 7:30pm)
Girdwood Hub (Mon & Wed at 5:30pm)
Girls Model (Mon & Wed at 6:30pm)
Ormeau Park (Tue 6:30pm & Sat 11am)
West (Tue 6:30pm & Sat 10:45am)
Woodvale (Mon & Wed at 6:15pm) - NEW programme started Mon 31st July and on for 10 weeks. People free to join anytime
VENUE: Playing fields off Grand Parade in East Belfast. Small car-park available
MEET: Meet at Dixon Playing Fields. Near car-park (at front of park)
ADDRESS: 97 Grand Parade, Belfast BT5, access via Grand Parade or Orby Road
TIMES: Mon & Wed at 7pm
VENUE: Large park in East Belfast, with pitches, playground and trails. Parking & toilets available
MEET: Meet at Bowling Pavilion, beside car-park.
ADDRESS: Park Avenue, Belfast BT3 9EF, access via the underpass from Park Road. Also accessible by Sam Thompson Bridge (Airport Road) and walking/cycling round (about 800m) to Pavilion.
TIMES: Mon & Wed at 7:30pm
VENUE: Girdwood is a community and sports hub in North Belfast. Parking is available on site.
MEET: Meet at the rear of the hub reception. If you have any queries ask at reception.
ADDRESS: 10 Girdwood Avenue, Belfast BT14 6EG, access via Clifton Park Avenue
TIMES: Mon & Wed at 5:30pm
VENUE: School in North Belfast with outdoor 300m track. Parking & toilets available
MEET: Meet at the track. On the left as you enter school
ADDRESS: Belfast Model School for Girls, 35 Dunowen Gardens, Belfast BT14 6NQ. Enter school from Dunowen Gardens, off the Oldpark Road
TIMES: Mon & Wed at 6:30pm
VENUE: Ormeau Park, is a large park in South Belfast.
MEET: Meet at the Ozone (Belfast Indoor Tennis Arena & Ozone Complex), Ormeau Embankment
ADDRESS: Ormeau Embankment, Belfast BT6 8LT. Enter via Ormeau Embankment, note car-park may be busy in the summer. Can also access Ormeau Park by foot or bike from Ravenhill Road, Ormeau Road & Park Road
TIMES: Tue at 6:30pm and Sat at 11am (after Ormeau Parkrun)
VENUE: Falls Park & Andersonstown Leisure Centre. Falls Park is a undulating park with playing pitches in West Belfast. Car-parking is available at Falls Park. Toilets available in Falls Park Pavilion
MEET: Falls Park - Meet at Falls Park Entrance. Andersonstown Leisure Centre - Meet at front entrance (the session is held outside and not in the Centre itself)
ADDRESS: Falls Park - Falls Road, BT12 6AN. Andersonstown Leisure Centre - 130 Andersonstown Rd, Belfast BT11 9BY
TIMES: Tue at 6:30pm, Sat at 10:45am (after Falls Parkrun)
VENUE: Woodvale Park Playing Fields has recently been refurbished and has paths through it. Toilets available in Bowling Pavilion
MEET: Meet at the Bowling Pavilion accessed via Woodvale Avenue
ADDRESS: Woodvale Park Playing Fields, Woodvale Road, BT13 3BN.
TIMES: Mon & Wed at 6:15pm
If your work, club or community group would like to run a bespoke couch to 5k programme contact Liam via Note some programmes will fill up quickly and will have reserve lists in place. People will be added from reserve lists onto the main programme as the programme progresses.
Follow @Jog_NI on twitter for more updates and see FAQ at bottom of page for more information.
At the end of each 10 week JogBelfast programme, everyone graduates by completing their local 5k parkrun. This is not a race but a free timed run organised by local volunteers. There is usually a big supportive crowd with refreshments afterwards. Coaches run with participants and everyone celebrates afterwards. Always a fantastic way to finish!!!
Over 500 runners at Ormeau Parkrun with JogBelfast t-shirts everywhere
Traditionally Couch to 5k programmes are run over 9 weeks. A downloadable plan is available here and also shown below. An audio running plan for beginners from the NHS is below, this involves a series of podcasts and is available here. There are many approaches to learning to run, the most important thing is to enjoy it and take it slow (best to avoid injury).
Congrats to all those who graduated on the previous programmes. Fantastic effort whether mornings or evenings, just remember to keep at it. Huge thanks to all the various parkrun volunteers for their support too!
BelfastRunning's JogBelfast Ormeau Wed graduates just before completing Ormeau parkrun on Sat 21st November 2015. Fantastic Effort!!!
“Before starting I could hardly run 10 meters now I can run over 3k without stopping”
“This programme is fantastic, especially for people like myself who were genuinely on the couch. The volunteers are fantastic, they make such a genuine effort to get to know people and offer so much encouragement..... And are fantastic craic into the bargain”
“Great programme and fantastic atmosphere and camaraderie. No pressure and lots of encouragement. Very dedicated people involved. Good energetic atmosphere.everyone smiling.”
“Loved every session. Coaches so enthusiastic and encouraging to everyone no matter their level. I really did go from couch to 5K and look forward to improving my times week by week.”
Jog Belfast is available free as it is funded by public bodies. Each 10 week programme receives approx £2,560 irrespective of how many people register or complete the programme. This equates to £128 per session, with venue hire costs paid centrally. Funding is also provide for administration, JogBelfast 5K and previously for JogBelfast T-Shirts. There is no application procedure. Only projects chosen by the JogBelfast committee are able to receive funding.
There are running groups, social runs and running clubs as well as other JogBelfast programmes. Many people continue running with their fellow participants and/or coaches. Plus there's a wide variety of free parkruns (7 in Belfast alone) and paid for races.
People who have met on JogBelfast have went on to complete marathons, and we've even had a couple get married recently... so there is no end to the possibilities. Many groups will host free jog-ons for participants who have just finished. Belfast Running Club is the most inclusive running club in Belfast that also offers subsidised pilates, yoga, circuits and free expert talks from physics, nutritionists and coaches.
Hundreds of people have been in the same position as you, so you'll not have to go to far to find others to run with and/or run yourself. Whatever you do, you'll not be short of options... any queries contact Liam at Belfast Running
Where to meet?
Each JogBelfast Group will meet at a different venue (see link) as well as map . On map please click "Jog Belfast venues". Note the venue may differ by session. If you have any queries regarding where to meet up please email or preferably the specific programme provider (details via
What to bring?
You don't need to bring anything, although we advise bringing a bottle (non-glass) of water with you.
What to wear?
You will be moving about outside, so please wear clothes and footwear that you feel comfortable in and that are appropriate to the weather. All sessions will be held entirely outside, so please dress accordingly.
How long will it last?
The first few sessions, especially those on a Saturday will last less than an hour, probably closer to 45 mins. Otherwise sessions last an hour, though you may need to come 5-10 mins early to register.
Is it really for beginners?
Yes, we start very slowly and build it up. People start off and progress at different rates and we are happy to accommodate that. Some people will attempt the parkrun and/or join in with the local running club social runs and/or training sessions before Week 10.
What if I missed the first session? What if I miss some sessions?
Very few people can attend every session with most graduates missing a couple of sessions The more you come the easier it will be and the more friends you'll meet. However you will still be very welcome at any session you come to and receive appropriate support. If you missed the first the first session or week please still come along as you can still easily complete the course in the time.
Can I bring my child?
All children under 18 must be accompanied at all sessions by a parent or legal guardian, no exceptions. We would prefer people not to bring children under 12.
How fit do I need to be? What if I have an injury?
This programme is aimed at beginners and will normally involve people of varying degrees of fitness. If you are in any doubt regards your ability to take part in this programme please consult your GP first and inform them you wish to do this programme. Most coaches are first aid trained but we are not physios nor or we able to provide medical advice or assistance beyond first aid. If a medical professional has advised you not to partake in a session(s) please do not take part in that session(s).
I didn’t get an email
Upon successfully registering with JogBelfast programme, you should receive an email. If you don’t get an email, please check your bulk/spam folders in case it went there. Also check any other email address you may use (in case you used an alternative when originally registering). Finally, please check you have entered the email address correctly into the registration (Primo Events) system. If, after checking there is no email, please contact the relevant provider directly.
Am I registered?
Once you go to Active NI, you click on the programme you like and sign-in. If this is the first time you are using Active NI you will have to register your details with the system. Once you have registered interest, you should receive a confirmation email (to the email address you signed in with). If you get this, this means you are registered and just need to show up at the relevant JogBelfast sessions.
Am I on the reserve list?
When a JogBelfast programme is full, a reserve/waiting list is created. As the programme progresses the provider will move people from the reserve list onto the main programme.
Once a programme is full, a notice will appear on that programme’s page stating the programme is full and that a reserve/waiting list is now in operation. If you signed up and did not get a confirmation email, it is likely you are on the reserve list. If in any doubt, please contact the provider via their contact details.
How long will I be on the reserve list?
People are moved from the reserve list onto the main programmes as soon as possible. Most people on the reserve list will get to participate on their preferred programme at some stage, usually within the first 2-3 weeks. If you can’t get on your preferred programme, consider alternative JogBelfast programmes or contact the relevant provider.
Can I transfer between JogBelfast programmes?
No, you have to sign-in to and register with your new programme (which you will receive a confirmation email). Please also delete yourself from the old programme, to free up a space for someone else. You cannot transfer a place to someone else.
I registered but am not on the system
If you don’t attend any sessions or have missed four in a row, you can be deleted from the JogBelfast programme. If deleted, you will have to re-register and may be put on a reserve list. This is to ensure that everyone as many people get the chance to participate. If you have attended sessions, please contact your provider directly.
What if I register and now can’t go?
Please email your provider know and/or delete your registration from the programme to allow someone else to take your place. If you don’t show, you may have prevented someone else from going and you can be deleted from the programme (see above).
What do I do with the barcode?
JogBelfast does not provide you with a barcode. That may be you have registered with, which is separate to JogBelfast (see below).
Do I have to register with parkrun?
Towards the end of the JogBelfast programme, you will be asked to register with parkrun. Parkrun is a free 5k run on Sat mornings in local parks across the world. Parkruns are used for the 5k graduation run at the end of the JogBelfast programme. Parkrun registration is free via and you will be provided with a bar code and unique parkrun number. Please bring this with you when you do parkrun. You will not need to register with parkrun until shortly before your graduation run – at which time, coaches will remind you.
Anything else?
I'm sure you have many more questions, but the best way is to come down try it out for yourselves and meet with the coaches and previous programme participants. More information on Jog Belfast can be found via and twitter (@Jog_NI), among others sources. If you would like information or have a query on a particular programme please contact the provider directly. If you would like a new programme please contact
JogBelfast hosted it's first ever 5k run on Sunday 20th March 2016 in Ormeau Park and proved a fantastic occasion with over 400 runners. 2017's run was on Sunday 26th March and attracted 256 runners. Thanks again to PHA for funding the race.
The start of the first ever JogBelfast 5K in 2016. Pacers in yellow, come bring your blue t-shirt
Each participant at the JogBelfast 5k will get a medal and for the first time the medal will be with a red ribbon (see opposite). People will collect their race number in the morning from Ormeau Bowling Pavilion. Ormeau Bowling Pavilion is on the corner of Park Road and Ormeau Road, opposite Trafalgar Hair Studio (see map below). It will be open in the morning from 8am for people to collect bibs etc, there will also be an opportunity to sign up on the day.
Please do not go to the Ozone Recreation Centre. There are only two toilets in the bowling pavilion, although a few portaloos will be near the race start/finish. Please park responsibly, there are plenty of spaces within wider area.
On signing up, you will receive an email confirmation with which you need to take with you. Although names and numbers will be posted up within the Bowling Pavilion. The race will start and finish about 100 yards from the Pavilion. The first and last 1km are the same, you go all the way through Ormeau Park and out the bottom gate close to where the Ravenhill Road meets the Ravenhill Embankment. There will be pacers and chip timing with tea/coffee, water and fruit available post race.
Ormeau Bowling Pavilion is on the corner of Park Road and Ormeau Road (beside the recycling centre)
JogBelfast 5K is a new course that takes you in and around Ormeau Park. Note it is different to the Ormeau Parkrun Course
JOGBELFAST CELEBRATION 5K - 2016 helped organise the first JogBelfast 5K in 2016 attracting over 400 runners. It was a new course in and around Ormeau Park. There were pacers and medals given out to all runners.
Jog Belfast achieves amazing feedback each year, with summary feedback from the last few programmes as follows:
JogBelfast attracts people of all ages, and although open to anyone attracts mainly women.
The majority go on to run 5k. Most of the remainder will attain 5k within the next few weeks/months
Approximately 300 people have completed an evaluation so far, with the vast majority recommending the programme and continuing running